Written by Suzy Greaves
“The world is too big to stay in one place. Life is too short to do just one thing.”
I love to hear about people’s journeys, their life choices, the paths they take and the stories they make. Well; I’m Suzy, welcome to my story and my Swedish life. It’s a pleasure and a privilege to write for The Newbie Guide to Sweden. An opportunity to share with you all my experiences, observations and adventures. An honest and hopefully inspiring insight into life as a Brit living in Sweden.
And so it began……
Globally our population is Circa 8 billion. What are the chances of two people, from different worlds meeting and connecting in the same place at the same time? You guessed it, in the words of Sweden’s Per Gessle (Roxette) “It must have been love”. It all began in a music bar in Liverpool back in 2016. The rest as they say is history!
I’ve always lived quite intuitively. I firmly believe our ever changing dreams, aspirations and ambitions allow us to attract what we need from life. So, what followed my chance meeting was a year or so of travelling. Meeting up with my new partner for weekends in various European destinations. Then, decision day arrived. My path, it seemed was inevitably heading North and leading to an unknown Nordic world, A Scandi life, in Sweden.

This is me……
I was 46 years old when I decided to rent out my UK home. Finally, I was moving to Sweden! I applied for a pet passport and moved myself and my cocker spaniel to Västra Götaland 4 years ago. My two fabulous and fiercly independant adult children had themselves moved and embarked upon their own life journeys. Instead of waiting for the so called ’empty nest’ syndrome to kick in, I was the one that fled the nest!
Back then, I was founder & director of a business creating and delivering food education workshops to primary schools UK wide. I wrote and styled fun interactive lessons linking to and supporting the countries National Curriculumn. I forged collaborations with National supermarket chains, celebrity chefs, local fire service and housing partnerships. A large part of my time was running and organising teams visits into schools daily. Although rewarding, infact awarding me recognition as a finalist of Cheshire Woman of the year 2008, the work became 24/7! After a hugely sucessful 14 years, the hours, demands and the lifestyle I’d built for myself were actually unsustainable. My mind, body and soul on reflection were crying out for a new way of living.
That was then and this is now…..
In my 20’s and 30’s it was always a little dream of mine to own a house abroad. Perhaps, a little apartment in a quaint Spanish village or a beachside villa in Portugal but no, it wasn’t to be.
This is where I advise you to be careful what you wish for….. Today I write to you from our newly renovated Swedish home! Contrary to popular belief and in comparison to the UK, house prices here in the Swedish countryside are jaw droppingly cheap. The house we chose to become our home lacked a lot of kerb appeal and at best could of been described as ‘charming’ or ‘traditional’.
The reality meant that my sambo (Swedish name for a couple that live together) and I had to join forces, roll our sleeves up and with the help of some professionals become amateur carpenters almost overnight. A full refurbishment inside and out. Our efforts became such a joint mission that I would suggest it firmly cemented our new found relationship. What a project we had undertaken! As a result, what remains now is a real sense of pride in the place we live and a plethora of newly discovered practical skills.
Back to school…..
Since moving to Sweden, I have secured work here as a supply teacher (Vikarie) in three local schools. One day I can be the English teacher, another a pre school assistant and occasionally I work in the after school club. In other words, `flexibility’ has become my middle name.
The school systems, values and curriculum couldn’t be more different to the UK. The pro’s and cons I know are widely debated amongst expat parents striving for the perfect balanced education for their little ones. I feel the children that I work with here are as eager, enthusiastic and hungry to learn as world over, which makes for rewarding work. These young Swedes also hold a really impressive grasp of the English language from a suprisingly early age. My own language learning however, has not actually been so sucessful yet. It’s one of the biggest challenges I’m facing right now, just so you know though, I’m not a quitter!!
The good life……
So, Is life here all meatballs and lingonberry jam? Not only moving to Sweden but relocating to any new country can be peppered with complications that try and test our resolve. I’m looking forward to sharing, in future blogs what I have learnt along the way. Living with a Swede and within a Swedish family network has immersed me in the culture, cuisine, traditions and values of the Swedish people. Both similarities and differences to my own British culture I’ve found both facinating and suprising in equal measures.
I mentioned earlier that I believe in creating a life you need and love. Above all, I feel like moving to Sweden has brought out the best in me, renewing old passions such as a focus on health, creative cookery and exercise. Lifestyle choices which are facilitated by the environment here. Sweden’s nature is the perfect therapy and has restored the creative energy that was begining to dwindle with having the wrong work/life balance back in the UK.
I’ve discovered running, cross country skiing, sailing, fishing, foraging and hiking. Now tell me that’s not a healthy bag of interests! Additionally, during the past couple of years, whilst the world has had its travel plans curtailed, we have also been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel and explore this beautiful country. Some people say the key to learning about the culture is through the language; couple this with travel and you will unveil the real Sweden.

Sweden through my lens……
Sweden is a country of stark contrasts. A country with light and shade, four distinct seasons and stunning yet varied landscapes. Ask any Swede where is their ‘smultronställe’ ( A Swedes favourite place) and no answer will be the same. I’ve travelled from North to South and revel in planning our next road trip. From the fjällen in Vemdalen to both Stockholm and the West coast’s archipelago’s. I’ve explored Skåne and even been as far south as it gets in Smygehuk and Ven.
It’s hardly suprising that my biggest passion right now was born in this beautiful country. Photography. I share my pictures on instagram Feel free to follow and see for yourself how this wonderful country has won my heart.
Finally; If you are considering moving to Sweden then you came to the right place – The Newbie Guide to Sweden – is your one stop shop to actualising your new life. We are all here to help with your transition.
Remember, this inspiring quote from Naeem Callaway ” Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step in your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step.”
I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for my future blogs in the comments below. You can also check out our other newbie bloggers experiences in our blog page.
Thanks for reading and as we say in Sweden “Ha en jättebra dag!!”
About the Author
Hej!! Jag heter Suzy! I’m a Brit who moved to Sweden in 2017 for love!
Travelled, cultured and passionate about health, food, photography and lifestyle. I’m living the Scandi dream!
I’m a freelance writer with a zest for life and new adventures. Follow my Swedish journey on Instagram @suzygreaves1
One gutsy lady who is not afraid to embrace change and take on life’s challenges!
Sounds like an idyllic place to live.
Tack så mycket Pamela,
I’ll settle for ‘Gutsy’ hahaha
It’s actually a huge decision for anyone thinking of moving abroad and a brave one whatever your age and stage of life.
It is a beautiful country and my moving here has proved to be a great life choice
( so far so good anyway !!)
Wow..that.s a great read…and what an amazing story…keep following your dreams..listening to your intuition…..
Did you ever listen to “Gypsy” by Fleetwood Mac..could.ve been written for you..
Keep on keeping on…
Thanks for your feedback. I actually loved Fleetwood Mac, I will look at those lyrics more closely.
Wow such an interesting read- already excited for future blogs to come. Tell us more about your trips around different parts of Sweden – I’m looking to do some travelling around there myself soon
Hej Anna,
Thank you for your kind message!
Take a look at my instagram for travel tips and inspiration @suzygreaves1
That sounds exactly like me but I haven’t made the leap yet. The renovations on the house are amazing! What an inspiration your words are to people like myself who dream of jumping the home ship for a life in such a beautiful place! The place of my ancestors! So until then I will live vicariously through your experiences! Share everything! I’m hooked!
If in doubt….. Take the leap!!
What is the worst that can happen?!!
This is amazing to hear… the home of your ancestors….. WOW!!!
Get yourself over here Susan but in the meantime feel free to follow my journey here and on insta @suzygreaves1
Wow! Really looking forward to reading more about the different places you have visited. What a fab country to end up in! Been following you on insta and love your travel photos. Can you tell us about your food discoveries aswell
I certainly will Jayne!!
Thanks for following me & I’ll be sure to include my ‘Scandi food experiences’ soon.
Watch this space!!!
love your story – so inspiring! it shows that ‚even at our age‘, it is always worth moving ahead, keeping an open mind, be adventurous. just all the good stuff we also want for our kids!
now … off to find a swede! 😉
You are so so right ‘Even at our age……….’ 100%
Love it and it’s so true!
Good luck hunting a Swede!!!! Keep me posted!
i will! ❤️😂
Amazing story! Look forward to seeing your next trip on your Instagram. Keep trying new things and finding new smultronstallen!
Would love to try your food:)
Thanks for following my instagram Nigel. I look forward to every new adventure this wonderful country brings!
As you know, I often post stories about my ‘SwEnglish kitchen’ so if you are ever hungry & here in Västra Götaland be sure to get in touch!!
How inspiring! Such an interesting and exciting blog. Looking forward to the next instalment. Already follow you on Instagram which is brilliant!
So glad you enjoyed the read Jill and thanks for following my instagram @suzygreaves1
Your story is so inspiring. I admire your determination and strength to up root yourself and start a new life in a different country. I can hear the happiness in your words as you write and you sound excited. You have embraced the change and your new surroundings and it sounds like that have embraced you back. I feel at times we’re all stuck in our own tornado of life. It’s easy to forget there are opportunities out there. I can’t wait to hear more about your journey!!!
I agree, life is for living! At one time or another we have all been guilty of forgetting that.
Of course we all have our responsiblities, especially to others but equally, we all have a right to persue opportunities, dreams etc and take a few risks here and there.
Fear is the biggest obstacle for most of us.
Thanks for your comments 🙂
Love this!
What an inspirational story. I think many of us have dreams of starting a new life in a different country but never quite find the courage to take the first step. I do believe fate plays a part in peoples lives, but having passion, determination and a positive outlook allows you to achieve your dreams. You are obviously this type of person.
I have only visited Sweden once but can see why you have fallen in love with the country, it’s such a beautiful place. I can’t wait to go back.
You have inspired me to make another trip Sweden soon.
I will look forward to seeing more of your adventures on Instagram.
I think the aim of writing this blog was to inspire so thank you so much.
You’ll find all my travel tips on insta! Hopefully you’ll make that return visit one day soon.
Wow, I found this a really inspiring story. Congratulations on the renovation of your home, it very beautiful!
I look forward to reading more:)
Tack så jättemycket Kelly!! In other words Thankyou very much 🙂
What an amazing and inspiring story for all of us who dream the dream but have yet to take the steps to achieve it. House looks fab you’ve done a great job on it. Just goes to show that you can achieve anything with hard work and determination. Amazing lady x
Thanks Berni,
The house rennovation was such fun! We even built our own sauna- just about as Swedish as it gets!!
Keep on dreaming the dream, nothing is impossible:)
Really loved reading your story thanks for sharing!
Sounds like such an incredible move and it’s lovely that your children are the way they are too! A supportive family must be amazing!
So glad it’s working out for you and glad I’ve found the blog! Sweden is definitely somewhere I can see us in future and love hearing all about it ❤️
I have the most supportive family & friends back in the UK, which of course is key to following your dreams.
My 81 yr old dad is over here right now, he loves it too.
I feel like I’ve also opened up new doors & opportunities for my children. They come over here whenever they can with girlfriends, boyfriends and all their friends in tow.
I hope you get to actualize your dream to move here.
Thank you for your kind comments.
Im looking forward to hearing even more about your journey…you are such an inspiration Suzy to anyone feeling it’s too late to choose change! X
Never too late, that’s true.
I live by that old saying….
I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done!
I really enjoyed reading your blog. You are intrepid. Can’t wait for the next one.
So pleased you enjoyed it Lynn & thank you for your kind comments 🙂
Wow, You’ve really made the most out of settling in Sweden, and promotes the country inspiringly. I have lived here for quite some time now, but never got as far as Smygehuk, let alone renovate a house. Must be a real craftsman You met! Keep up the good work!
As Brits, when we think ‘Holidays’ the majority of us think Sun & South.
I know for a fact so many Brits have never even considered discovering Scandanavia. Sad but true!
I’ll be sure to play my part in promoting what your wonderful country has to offer 🙂
Thanks for your lovely comments.
Really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing the photos brings it all to life.
Inspiration galore! Look forward to hearing more.
Fab comments! Thanks! If you liked the photos, you’ll love my insta @suzygreaves1
This is brilliant!!! or as I would say, STRÅLANDE!!!! Interesting reading and I am looking forward to following you on your continued Swedish journey.
Thank you so much Maria,
I’d like to use this opportunity to recommend your classes to anyone who is looking to learn Swedish.
I know I’ve not been the greatest student but your patience and passion for teaching has been so refreshing!
To find out more about Maria’s courses, language cafes & book clubs you can check out her website http://www.marilingo.com or contact her on insta @swedishwithmaria
Loved reading this Suzy! As a Brit who has loved everything Swedish since my teens (but who has not visited this beautiful country…yet) I love hearing about your adventures! I feel like Sweden is a home I don’t yet know personally.
Lycka till med dina svenska studier!
Tack så jättemycket!!
Jag fortsätter kämpa med språket men jag tror att jag blir bättre!
I hope you get to travel here soon Katy and when you do if you need any tips on where you should visit just let me know 🙂