Most jobs are found within a network. You know someone, who knows someone, who is looking for someone like you.

We explain Sweden
There are many organisations out there that can help you get support when you are job seeking. Networking is an important part of job searching in Sweden. Some organisations offer hands-on support and other organisations are trying to change the underlying structure that might create hurdles for job seekers in Sweden
Most jobs are found within a network. You know someone, who knows someone, who is looking for someone like you.
Sweden’s Engineers Club works to create an opportunity for networking between native and newly arrived engineers in Sweden.
Volontärbyrån helps non-profit organisations find people who want to engage themselves in volunteer work.
Jobbsprånget offers a leap into the Swedish job market by connecting academics who have newly arrived in Sweden with employers.
Mitt Livs Chans mentoring program gives you support from a mentor regarding your job-seeking activities.
Struggling to get a job in Sweden? Stuck in a loop of sending out CV's but never making it to an interview? Then you should check out Intertalents in Sweden.
Are you a newbie in Sweden? Do you plan to work or change your job in Sweden? Then check out Dream & Go Job Coaching.
Korta vägen is a training program for foreign born graduates with the aim to help foreign academics establish professionally in Sweden.
These are programs for those who need intensive and individual support when looking for a job.