Sweden doesn’t have minimum wage. Wages are regulated by agreements – kollektivavtal – between employers and the trade unions.

We explain Sweden
Swedish Labour laws are quite evolved and you are – as employee – protected by these laws. Make sure you know your rights and duties.
Sweden doesn’t have minimum wage. Wages are regulated by agreements – kollektivavtal – between employers and the trade unions.
There are three types of employment in Sweden: tillsvidareanställning, tidsbegränsad anställning and provanställning.
Once you’ve received your first job offer in Sweden there are some things to think of before signing a contract.
Sweden has a long tradition of labour unions. Nearly 70% of the working population in Sweden belongs to a union today.
It is common to have unemployment insurance in Sweden. About 80% of the working population in Sweden has one.
The current COVID-19 pandemic influences our everyday lives in more ways than one and this is also the case with A-kassa temporary rules due to covid-19.