Weird Swedish expressions are just something you will come across sooner or later. Swedish, like any other language, is filled with expressions that obviously have some kind of origin and that probably made sense to the first person ever to speak them. Today, however, these are so wide-spread, maybe even altered a bit, so that […]
Productive things to do when you’re bored
Free time is very important in the Swedish way of living.. but it can also be a bit boring from time to time. What productive things can you do in your free time? Well, many! Learn Swedish online Studying Swedish can be really boring… or really fun! There are many websites on which you can […]
Learning Swedish with TV shows
Written by Sara Costa When I was a child I was only allowed to watch TV after I was done with my homework. Now, back as a student at SFI and SAS, I hear the teachers advising to watch TV and practise Swedish. Things have changed and I have actually learned a lot by watching […]
10 struggles when learning Swedish
Before you move to another country, it is good if you have some understanding of the language, at least to a certain extent. We are so lucky that we have to learn the “easy” language that’s Swedish, which often isn’t that easy at all! Here is some of the struggles when learning Swedish. “Ju” is […]
Integrating in Sweden: easy or not?
As a Dutch girl, I come from a culture somewhat similar to the Swedish culture: we both work hard, aren’t too social but also not unsocial, we always talk about the weather and we’re both in the list of the happiest countries in the world. You’d think that integrating in Sweden would be really easy […]
Learning Swedish through Jazz
Learning Swedish through Jazz? Yes why not:-) A year has passed since I came to this northern hemisphere, and I have to admit it took nearly one year for me to begin to appreciate and learn the Swedish language. Perhaps I was discouraged or blatantly ignorant because I was surrounded by international communities, and the […]
How to act like a typical Swede
Unsocial, cold and candy lovers is often how people describe the Swedes. However, I had noticed many more things in Sweden, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. I decided to really pay attention to the Swedes around me and wrote down everything I noticed. Here is 5 things to know on how […]
Learn 5 basic Swedish words
If you are a total beginner to the Swedish language, learning some keywords can help you in daily situations – even if you don’t interact much with Swedes. Learn 5 basic Swedish words: 1. Hej and hej då The sound is similar to the English “Hey, dude!”, but rather than a slang, “hej” means simply […]
“Learning Swedish isn’t difficult”
If you’re planning on moving to Sweden, you have to start learning Swedish. Yes, Swedes are very good at English, but you really have to know Swedish for many small things! You probably saw the term SFI often, or svenska för invandrare, on many websites. These are free Swedish courses provided by the government, however, […]
Are Swedish curse words punchy enough?
Jävlar! Fan! Helvete! Sitting around a table of fellow Newbies the topic of Swedish curse words came up. Not everyone shared my opinion that this set of Swedish words can be a fun and useful addition to our vocabulary. A common complaint being that they were not really that useful or forceful enough for a […]
Instant fluency with conversation fillers
Every language has its very own way to stall a conversation. When the speaker suddenly comes to a halt because the brain can’t keep up, there is this short buffer time, which gets filled with a set phrase. In this case I’m not talking about uhms and ehs. But about actual words or sentences that […]
Sweet Swedish Days
Have you heard of special food days such as fettisdagen, våffeldagen or even kanelbullens dag? As a newbie myself, finding out that such days exists just amazes me! Traditionally, there are various types of sweet stuff that are consumed by Swedes on certain days throughout the year. Fettisdagen – the Swedish cream bun day It is […]