Written by Marlene Laun Malmö is located in the southern part of Sweden, in the so-called Skåne region. After Stockholm and Gothenburg, it is the third biggest city in Sweden with around 347.000 residents. Malmö has many parks, which means it´s a very green city, and you are never far away from any park. What […]
Eco-travel around Skåne
Travel in Skåne Sweden this summer, you won’t regret it! There is no cheaper place to travel in Sweden during the summer than Skåne. Skåne is the southernmost region (län) of Sweden and it holds the most fertile lands. In addition, there are just so many beautiful places one can visit in the 33 municipalities […]
Five outdoor trips in Skåne for spring and summer
The days are getting longer, and the sun shines brighter. Nature comes back to life and after the gloomy days of winter, life in Sweden moves outdoor again. Southern Sweden, especially Skåne is perfect to enjoy the mild spring and early summer weather outdoor. Most people don’t trust that the good weather will last for […]
الأشياء التي قد ترغب في معرفتها عن لوند
إنها قديمة، صغيرة، لكنها مليئة بالسحر: إنها لُونُد! أقل شهرة من مدن مثل ستوكهولم أو غوتنبرغ أو مالمو، لُونُد، هي في الواقع واحدة من أقدم المدن في السويد. جذورها تعود إلى مرة أ مستوطنة Uppåkra من حوالي 100 قبل الميلاد. لهذا السبب لوند غنية بالتاريخ والمعالم البارزة. تقع هذه المدينة الصغيرة في محافظة سكونه Skåne، […]
Things You Might Want to Know about Lund
Written by Hayu Hamemayu It’s old, it’s small, yet it’s full of charm: It’s Lund! Less known than cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg or Malmö, Lund is actually one of the oldest cities in Sweden. Its roots can be traced back to the Uppåkra settlement from around 100 BC. For this reason, Lund is rich with […]