Many who are learning Swedish are confused about when to use an -s on verbs in Swedish. Most verbs end with a -r in present tense and -de in simple past as you probably know already, but sometimes there is an “mysterious s”. There are two different occasions when there is an -s. First of all there we […]
Weird Swedish Expressions
When you are learning a new language, it isn’t necessarily a grasp of grammar or a large vocabulary that will make you feel like “you get” a language. It is instead when you start learning (and using) the sounds and expressions that are typical of that language. I teach Swedish on a daily basis […]
The Ultimate Tool Guide To Learn Swedish
One of the most frequent questions that we come across is: What’s the best way to learn Swedish? A valid question since there are so many options available that sometimes can be overwhelming to know where to start. Even when every one of us has a specific reason to learn the language, there will always […]
10 struggles when learning Swedish
Before you move to another country, it is good if you have some understanding of the language, at least to a certain extent. We are so lucky that we have to learn the “easy” language that’s Swedish, which often isn’t that easy at all! Here is some of the struggles when learning Swedish. “Ju” is […]
Svenska for Children, Immersion or Bilingual Education?
English is the language my entire family speaks. Only English. I know a smidgeon of French from high school, but that is it. My husband speaks both his primary language as well as English, which he learned from an early age. He came to the United States for college and in our home, he exclusively […]
Utbildningsradion – a knowledge bank for lifelong learning
Do you want to learn more about the world and at the same time practise and improve your Swedish? Then you should check out Utbildningsradion, UR´s programmes. The programs of Utbildningsradions cover all sorts of themes (from biology, geography, history, politics & literature and much more) and the programmes are available online for a long […]