Another ground for granting residence permits is work. More than 19.000 residence permits where granted in 2013 due to employment.
just arrived
How to act like a typical Swede
Unsocial, cold and candy lovers is often how people describe the Swedes. However, I had noticed many more things in Sweden, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. I decided to really pay attention to the Swedes around me and wrote down everything I noticed. Here is 5 things to know on how […]
Temporary residence
If you meet the requirements, you will probably start by getting a temporary residence permit the first time you apply.
About Swedish residence permits
Who can get one? How do I get one? And where do I get it? Here we give you information about all things related to residence permits.
Residence based on family ties
You can get a residence permit based on family ties. A family in Sweden is just not limited to the traditional “mummy, daddy, child” concept.