There are many different reasons why you may want to move to Sweden. Maybe your partner is Swedish, maybe you’ve heard about the excellent work life balance that Sweden is famous for, or maybe you’ve just visited and fallen in love with its culture. But moving to Sweden requires an important step for many people: […]
find a job in Sweden
How to find a job in Sweden
Learn about your rights & duties and what you can do to find a job.
Korta vägen – training program foreign born graduates
Korta vägen is a training program for foreign born graduates with the aim to help foreign academics establish professionally in Sweden.
How to find work in Sweden
Looking for a job? Feeling a bit overwhelmed and unsure on where to start? No worries. Here you learn how to kick start your job search.
How to Plan your Swedish Job Search According to Hiring Seasons
How is your Swedish job search going? Sweden is a country known for sometimes doing things different in their hiring rituals, but often these differences are not clear to newcomers. When looking for a job in Sweden, many factors should be taken into consideration – updating your CV and LinkedIn, learning how to interview the […]
Relocation and that restart button
Relocation anywhere is a challenge. Moving to a new place when you have a good career back home isn’t just hard; it IS a big decision. But a choice had to be made. And that choice brought me to Sweden, more than 10,000 kilometres away from my home country. Written by Hayu Hamemayu I never […]
Eight Steps to Find Hidden Jobs in Sweden
How do you find Hidden Jobs in Sweden? Well, let’s look into that. A huge part of the job market is hidden and not seen on job boards. Here is eight steps you can use to find hidden opportunities in companies that are not posting their positions: Go to LinkedIn Search for “your title + […]
Step two: Get visible on the work market
How will employees find you if they don’t know you exist? Making yourself visible on the labour market is a crucial step in your job search.
The Swedish job market
What´s the Swedish labour market like? How hard is it to find employment? And where are workers needed? Learn it all here.