Newbies need a residence permit and a personal number to receive healthcare on the same conditions as Swedes.
Dealing with cancer in Sweden – Betül’s story
Written by Sara Costa Betül is the most generous, positive and wonderful person that I have ever crossed paths with and I consider myself lucky for having met her. She is a proud scientist at Chalmers and she loves Sweden and her life in Gothenburg. She is also a Newbie like many of us. Imagine […]
A complete guide to buying an apartment in Stockholm (Part 2)
Buying an apartment is one of the most serious steps in life. It requires a lot of planning, savings and to be as prepared as possible. On this part two of the series, I will talk about the mortgage and downpayment. To read part 1 click here. Know your Purchase Ability. Before rushing into apartment […]
A complete guide to buying an apartment in Stockholm (Part 1)
Written by Teenie Fung Looking to buying an apartment in Stockholm? Are you browsing on Blocket for rental apartments in Stockholm? Then I highly recommend you to read this article. In less than 10 months from arriving in Sweden I bought my first apartment in Stockholm at a great bargain. Here are some tips and […]
Sexual and Reproductive Medical Care in Sweden
Contraceptive counselling is free and emergency contraception is sold over counter all over Sweden.
LGBT Rights in Sweden
It is, according to Swedish law, illegal to discriminate a person due to that person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
Sexually Transmitted Illness – STI
The law called Smittskyddslagen regulates how to deal with sexually transmitted infections in order to reduce further spreading.
There are many different contraception methods available in Sweden such as mini-pills, spirals, hormone rings and implants.