As the little sister of Sweden’s most precious and indeed quite breathtaking capital, Gothenburg is somehow left behind. Compared to the magnetic impact of Stockholm, it seems almost forgotten. Although it is the second biggest city in Sweden, it does regularly stand back when tourists plan their weekend but also when locals think about a permanent home. Why though?
It seems like a mystery why is this city often forgotten. Here are some reasons why people should think more about Gothenburg:
Gothenburg has humour.
Göteborgshumor is quite apparent, as its puns and irony will bright up your day. While Swedes, in general, are said to have no humour at all, Göteborgare will prove that wrong.
Gothenburg has character.
A Göteborgare is distinct from a Stockholmare. While Stockholm is thought to be posh, Göteborg is open-minded and friendly. Whereas people from the north fear contact the most, a Göteborgare will pass this and welcome new people quite heartily (very often).
Gothenburg is international.
Two universities attract students of every nationality and companies employ people from all over the world. They stay for either a short while or for quite some time, and the latter one is more likely.
Gothenburg is diverse.
While Stockholm is already drowning in café chains and mainstream sites, Gothenburg still guards a unique culture. With independent coffee shops and markets, it strengthens its character day by day. Although Gothenburg has Instagram hot spots as well, these sites are neither crowded nor clichéd. Step up to Masthuggskyrkan or Skansen Kronan to give it a try while learning about the city’s rich history.
Gothenburg is the West coast’s heart.
The harbor is the city pulse, it beats the one in Stockholm by far in both size and commerce. The waterways never remain empty as ferries, cruise ships and sailing boats never sleep. The ‘water culture’ is vibrant.
Gothenburg is Sweden’s Amsterdam.
The city we know today was built by the Dutch during the 1600s. Gothenburg’s multiple canals and layout give this city a very unique aesthetic which is very hard not to link to places like Amsterdam.
Because Gothenburg has a very lively cultural scene.
With festivals, exhibitions and music events, Gothenburg is an art and culture lovers paradise. Gothenburg is a hot spot for nearly everything, as it does not leave desires unfulfilled.
Gothenburg has food for everyone.
Gothenburg boasts traditional Swedish and international influences when it comes to life and when it comes to food (which might be the very same). Check out Jinx Food or Gourmetkorv to experience some Swedish recipes mix with Thai, German, American and British influences. One must also not forget about the fresh seafood at Feskekorka and the many star-rated restaurants across town.
Gothenburg is a growing city.
It grows by inhabitants and it grows by companies. A hot spot for startups and people entering working life, it is the perfect location for letting dreams become true.
Gothenburg has a vision.
Gothenburg lets German dreams become true. As a whole, Sweden encourages people to follow their dreams, and as a city itself, it provides the very earth to let them grow. It’s a well-established ground to live a happy life even when is not as big as the capital city.

In fact, Gothenburg has a perfect size.
The huge city centre—all together, with Haga, Vasastaden, Vallgraven and Nordstaden—is easily accessible by foot. Surrounding neighborhoods are neatly connected by both bus and tram. It feels homely. Beaming a charming small-town feeling, this city, however, still vibrates. With less traffic and fewer crowds, one can enjoy the city best.
Gothenburg has a nice atmosphere.
When it comes to heading out for the night from Första over Andra to Tredje Långgatan. To brunching at Haga, lunching at Majorna and dining at Avenyn. You can even sunbath at an island, picknick at a park or shop at a gallery, all on the very same day.
In conclusion, Gothenburg is a gallery itself.
This city is like a dream that somehow became reality. As every city, it has its downsides but the upsides overtake them. Each city needs components and so does Gothenburg itself who offers everything one may need. Sometimes it stands behind for its size but it shouldn’t be overlooked.
Written by Lara Siebert
Hejsan! I am Lara, a German Newbie to Sweden and recent business studies and German graduate from Mannheim University. Since my semester abroad in Växjö nearly two years ago, Sweden did not let me go, as I always wanted to come back. And now, I finally will: having a bachelor’s degree in my pocket and a bucket list filled with adventures, my first stop will be a three months lasting internship in Gothenburg. As much as I am looking forward to gathering experiences in working life, I am also excited about exploring this great city with all its culture, nature and people. I hope you enjoy my impressions as much as I do. Vi hörs!
Hi Lara, another brilliant story! I can confirm everything you said about Gothenburg – I’ve been there just a few weeks ago. A weekend trip is far too short to explore all the interesting things. I’ve also been to Stockholm many years ago, but I really have to say that I enjoyed Gothenburg most. Anyway,I think Sweden calls for another visit!
I <3 Gothenburg for all the reasons you brilliantly described in your post!