Midsummer eve (midsommarafton) is one of the most celebrated days in Sweden. So let’s play one step forward, one step back.
Fast forward one day
Fast forward one day, the Midsummer day – not that it is important (by now we all know that it is the eve that counts) but it puts the post in perspective. In Sweden, the day falls on a Saturday of week 25 (20th – 26th June) and as the name suggests, this is roughly the middle of the summer period, the longest day (light) of the year. The scientists will reduce this to the summer solstice.
Quick tip: While in Sweden, learn to referencing dates by week numbers.
Not too fast, backup a little bit
The most Swedish thing to do for a Midsummer day is to celebrate the eve. This is always a Friday that falls on the dates 19th – 25th June. Could this be the reason why the National day is not that celebrated? The fact that it does not have an eve? Ok, we push off this conspiracy theories and all the many random ideas.
How do you celebrate in Sweden?
The Food (midsummer buffet)
Food is culture but depending on whether you are invited to a Swedish family celebration or your workplace organises it, this may be missed. Whatever the case, try to get yourself a taste of the Swedish midsummer buffet. This consists of herring, salmon, prawns, sour cream, strawberries, boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, roasted beef, bread, other kinds of seafood.
Photo credit @ J Mukama, Midsummer buffe
It is not a typical celebration without the midsummer pole. The uniquely-shaped pole is the cornerstone of the celebrations. Most songs and dances of the afternoon are centred around this pole.
Flowers in the hair (midsummer crown)
It is usual for people to pick flowers and create a crown (midsommarkrans) for their children (and for themselves, obviously). So, do not quote me if you find me and my gang wearing it – who does not want to look on point for the day anyway.
Midsummer songs and dances
Some may argue that you have not really celebrated midsummer if you have not danced around the midsummer pole. I like the small frogs’ song “Små grodorna” and how the fox rushes over the ice [snow] ice “Räven raskar över isen” . Who does not want to join the longest ‘dance train‘ they ever witnessed?
Other songs include:
- Jungfru skär
- Morsgrisar är vi allihopa
The extras
In addition to the songs and dances around the midsummer pole (midsommarstång), numerous fun activities take place. The activities are all-encompassing with the young, the youths and the old, each carving their fair share of fun. When they say ‘age is just a number‘, a memorable traditional dance comes to mind when the older ones exhibited their fun-side and stamina through several folk songs and dances. The presentation took more than one hour.
After the main celebration
As earlier said, the midsummer evening is always on a Friday. This is a big bonus for people to drink and party all night, usually in a friend’s apartment so that on Saturday, the actual midsummer day, goes down a little more silently.
Written by Joseph Mukama
Kodheyo banna! Joseph here. I moved some years back to Gothenburg for studies from Uganda, the ‘Pearl of Africa’ located in East Africa. I later moved to Lund/Malmö for work. I am married, and I love meeting people, nature, and physical activities. I like to read books and try out new things. My favourite Swedish word is beroendeframkallande. Hoping to share interesting moments with you all.
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