Written by Sara Al Arab
I have lived in Linköping for almost 4 years now. I love it here. People are so friendly! Even when is not one of the most known cities in Sweden, I think you should know a few things about it.

Linköping is one of the largest cities in Sweden and it has several attractions and activities that appeal to all groups of people. Some of these activities are:
- Arts. The city has many galleries with different themes year round. You can find more information on them here.
- Festivals such as the City Festival during August every year and the Folk Music Festival.
- Rich history all around.
- Sports and activities for everyone.
A friendly city with many students that come from different places to Linköping because of its university

Some Linköping highlights to visit are:
- Göta Kanal and the Berg locks are a beautiful thing to experience.
- Gamla Linköping
- Flygvapen Museum (Air Force Museum) with a fantastic collection and free entrance.
- Domkyrka ( church)
You will find a huge shopping area called Tornby with a lot of retail shops such as electronics, clothing, household items and different restaurants. There is a mall called Ikano (i-huset) which has one of the biggest Swedish Ikea stores.
I think this city is awesome and well worth a visit!
Featured Image by Klas Linnell on Flickr.
About the author
My name is Sara. I was born in England but lived mostly in Lebanon. I moved to Sweden in 2015 to live with my husband. I live in Linköping. I have a bachelor’s in Business. I am still taking Swedish lessons and hoping to find a job soon.
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