Use the same negotiation techniques and long-term strategies as your Swedish peers to get paid what you deserve.

Sofi Tegsveden Deveaux is a teacher, writer and publisher with a passion for Swedish language and culture. Since 2008, she has helped international professionals to succeed in the Swedish job market through her courses and workshops. She is also the co-founder of independent publishing house LYS, making Sweden and the Swedes comprehensible through books on local expertise and the global experience. Sofi is a popular public speaker and course facilitator on these subjects, and now for the first time, her training material is available online through The Newbie Guide. The best thing about Sweden, according to Sofi, is all the wild swimming opportunities. If you can’t find her at her desk working on another book project, she is probably submerged in a cool forest lake in one of Sweden’s deep forests.
This is a course you absolutely want to take if you are a foreigner and soon starting to work in Sweden. It gives you so many important and practical information regarding workplace culture and Swedish society in general. You can literally find everything here: from fika conception and clothes advice for cold winters to useful work related glossaries that you don't want to miss.