There is a law in Sweden, called Smittskyddslagen that regulates sexually transmitted infections, STI. The purpose of the law is to reduce their spreading. It is free of charge to get exanimated and treated for these diseases in Sweden. Smittskyddslagen covers the following STI’s:
- Hepatitis B and C
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhoea
- Syphilis
Your obligations
You are obliged to test yourself if there is a risk that you’ve been infected by an STI. You must also help track previous partners, so that possibly infected previous or current partners can be found, tested and treated.
STI Test Centre’s
You can test yourself for an STI at a:
- Ungdomsmottagning – Youth Clinic.
- Gynmottagning – Gynaecological Clinic.
- Venereologmottagning – Venereology Clinic.
- Barnmorskemottagning/Mödravårdsmottagnig – Maternal Care Centre.
- Hud- och könsmottagning – Skin and venereal Clinic.
- Vårdcentral – Health Centre.
HIV quick test
Some RFSL centre offer HIV quick tests where you get the result directly. Find your closest test centre here.
For men who have sex with men
There are health centre´s in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö that are especially geared towards men who have sexual intercourse with men. Find out more here.
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