What is the EHIC card for? How do I apply for a EHIC card? Are you a citizen of an EU country planning to come to Sweden? Then you should make sure to bring your European Health Insurance Card.
This card gives you access to necessary medical treatment under the same conditions and at the same cost as people insured in the country you are visiting - which means more or less free in Sweden.
Note: necessary medical treatment is a term that leaves room for interpretation. Turn to your national health insurance provider to get your insurance card and do so before you come to Sweden.
Planning to stay in Sweden for more than a year?
Then you should register with the Swedish Tax Agency - Skatteverket and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency - Försäkringskassan. Once you've received your identification number – personnummer – you will be entitled to Swedish healthcare and pay Swedish healthcare fees.
Read more about the European Health Insurance Card at:
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