Fritt vårdval in Engish means free choice of care. This means that you are free to go to any health centre in Sweden you want. The only restriction is that the health centre must be run by, or have an agreement with a Swedish county council or region.
The regulation of fritt vårdval covers medical treatments provided by:
- health centres – vårdcentral
- child welfare centres – barnavårdscentral
- midwife’s clinics – barnmorskemottagning
- youth clinics – ungdomsmottagning
- outpatient specialist clinics – specialist
Note: you generally need a referral in order to receive specialist treatment in Sweden.
Your county council will assign you a health centre, unless you actively choose one. You are however free to switch to another health centre whenever and for whatever reason that might be. Learn more about Sweden’s free choice of care -fritt vårdval at Vårdguiden.
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