Parking signs in Sweden can be very confusing. Although Swedes are usually great at English, parking signs are in Swedish or sometimes just unfamiliar and there’s rarely someone around to ask when you need help. If you take a chance, it never seems to take long before a fine is slapped on your windscreen, especially in 5Stockholm. Parking fines in Sweden can cost an eye-watering 1000 kr…. Not a good start to your relocation to Sweden or Scandinavian holiday.
Written by Anne Pihl
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Here’s a guide to parking signs in Sweden to help keep you fine-free. It includes keywords and abbreviations you need to understand, as well as sample signs. It’s also a good insight into how complicated seemingly simple things can be when you don’t speak the language.
Keywords you should know
1 tim – 1 hour
Avgift – Fee
Gäller (även)…. – (Also) applies to….
Gäller ej… – Does not apply to …
Parkering förbjuden – No Parking
P-skiva – Parking disc required
Lastzon – Loading area
Swedish weekdays and abbreviations
It’s important to learn to recognise the days of the week in Swedish as they are often specified on parking signs.
- Monday: Måndag/mån/må
- Tuesday: Tisdag/tis/ti
- Wednesday: Onsdag/ons/on
- Thursday: Torsdag/tor/to
- Friday: Fredag/fre/fre
- Saturday: Lördag/lör/lö
- Sunday: Söndag/sön/sö

Parking Disc (P-Skiva)
Where a time limitation on parking has been set, you need to display a parking disc inside your front window screen. Set the arrow to the time of your arrival at the parking space.
If, however, there is a fee for parking and you need to get a ticket, the time of your arrival will be printed on the parking ticket, which you need to display inside your windscreen. If you haven’t got a parking disc in your car, you can usually get one at shopping centres.
Parking Signs – and their different meanings

What do the different coloured numbers and brackets on signs mean?
This is where it really gets really complicated as the different colour schemes and brackets refer to Sundays, public holiday and weekdays. An explanation of the differences is given below and here is a link to a full list of Swedish public holidays.

Getting in and out of parking garages
And perhaps the most challenging of all…….one that had me stuck inside a garage on more than one occasion as I assumed the garage had closed for the evening.
The instructions on the exit door mean “Drive towards the door and it will open automatically”. Sometimes, however, there are no instructions on the door but it will open automatically if you drive up to it – Not so easy to know if you’ve just arrived in Sweden.
Good luck with your parking!
We hope the above information helps you to stay parking fine-free and saves you from abandoning your car unnecessarily.
Need stuff for your car?
In case you are on the look out for parts or tyres (or tires or wheels – or however you call them), you can a browser here:
- Däckskiftarna* – has over 70 tyre changing stations around Sweden.
- Bythjul* – has loads of tyres and tyre related items. And they promise fast delivery too.
- Autoexperten* – has over 400 service stations all over Sweden. So if your car gives out or needs a tune up, check them out.
Need advice on moving to or living in Sweden?
Contact Relocate to Sweden for a consultation.
About the author
An Irish expat in Stockholm. I moved to Sweden in 1998 with my Swedish husband and new-born daughter after living and working in England, Germany and Ireland. With nearly two decades of experience of living, working and raising a family in Sweden, I now help other expats moving to Sweden through my relocation company.